Tuesday, September 6, 2011

iPhone 5′s Display to Be Smaller than 4 Inches

If the newest rumors are true, and the new iPhone will get a 3.5-3.7 inch display, then it may be possible that we’ll actually only see a 4S this Fall, but if they do come out with a 4.2 inch screen, the iPhone 5 will look a lot different than the current 3.5 inch display iPhone 4 and will be on par with most current smartphones.
It also looks like the back side design will be changed. The current reinforced glass chassis will be changed to a metal one.
Just like with any other rumor out there, no one can tell for sure how the iPhone 5 will look like, what its capabilities will be, or who will carry it besides AT&T and Verizon. Hopefully, the latest rumored release date, October 7th, will prove to be true. Until then, we can only hope that Apple will make the right decision and bring us an iPhone that will rival any other smart phone currently on the market.


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